Quartz Trays with GOLDEN EDGES size 30 to 35 cm and weighing 3 kg

Material: White Quartz
Sale priceR$ 877,00


Special product for gifts or daily use to refine the environment and bring great energetic fluids. Handmade of great quality. Precious stones taken from NATURE with socio-environmental compensation carried out by INSTITUTO MUNDO VERDE . Look here...


A special gift for you!
Stone: 30/35 cm medium
Total weight: 3 to 4 kg average
Support: Gold



White Quartz is a specific energy crystal for healing (earthly and spiritual), wisdom and purification. Therefore, it is used to aid meditation and offers calm to the mind. By activating our imagination and concentration, the crystal calms the mind and body so that pressure is controlled and breathing improves.

Furthermore, it is used in study environments because it allows the brain to focus on a specific task. It doesn't take much more than a White Quartz to stimulate study and influence wisdom.

Its purifying energy is gentle, but that doesn't mean it is weaker than other crystals in the same line. Thus, it presents a protective depth that harmonizes our energies. Furthermore, it allows health to develop in a positive way. However, this does not mean the cure of more serious illnesses that require earthly medical help, it just means that it helps with these issues. Therefore, White Quartz harmonizes our spirit so that earthly illnesses are not a serious problem. This way, you can rest assured that everything in your life will begin to flow in a unique way.


Jasper is an abundant stone throughout the world, coming in a variety of colors and patterns that have individual designations. The word "Jasper" derives from the Greek "iapis" which means "Agate" and, in fact, Jasper and its varieties are usually grouped into the group to which Agates and Chalcedony belong, which include the fibrous and granular varieties of quartz. . Jasper is a dense and opaque, microcrystalline variety of quartz and its grains are fine, similar to grains of sugar, occurring in nodules or filling fissures in a variety of colors: brown, white, bluish gray, gray, orange, yellow, red, pinkish, green, purple, multicolor. JASPE, the mother of all stones, Sexual energy, Protects in motherhood

Net jasper is an Australian jasper, a combination of white jasper and dark gray nets. It encourages you to new experiences, encourages versatility. It helps to balance internal issues with your daily life. Creates a balance to your day allowing you to be open to new ideas. It has strong energy and helps you in decisive periods, leaving you focused on your present. It helps you go through periods of profound change. Work on self-esteem. Eliminates fear and depression. Excellent to be used when we are feeling alone. Great for parents to use to have a better understanding of their children's behavior. If you are unemployed this will be a great stone to use during this period and if you are employed it is also a great stone to use as it brings happiness to your work environment. As if that were not enough, she also creates a protective shield against any and all negativity.


Green quartz brings with it the strength of healing and hope. It is a powerful stone that absorbs negative energies, strengthening the body and enabling balance. Also called aventurine, it is a green crystal, considered one of the most abundant minerals on Earth. Its meaning is linked to therapeutic purposes, being known as the stone of health, with purifying effects.

It is one of the most symbolic stones that exist, having, in green, a symbolism more focused on life, immortality and hope. Quartz is a stone that is related to the immune system, having the ability to neutralize negative energies, helping to cleanse energy and harmonize the physical, emotional and mind. Thus, quartz acts to adjust the energy balance.


This stone is a crystal that vibrates love and harmony. Rose Quartz is the stone of love and peace that enables inner healing and purification of the emotional body through the activation of the Heart Chakra. She is capable of resolving emotional problems and creating a strong field of access to unconditional love.

One of the loveliest crystals you'll ever find, Pink Quartz gets its name from its enchanting, vibrant pink colors that flow throughout. It is well known for positioning itself as part of the Quartz family and for having been mistakenly called Rose Quartz until recently.

Pink-specific crystals were first discovered in the 1930s in Maine, USA. Presumed to be rare and desirable, they were associated as a unique strain of rose quartz before this claim was disproved. At first not much thought was given to the stone until it was rediscovered on its own again in 1959, this time far away in Minas Gerais, Brazil.

Since these original discoveries, Rose Quartz has emerged throughout the world as an individual and distinct strain of Quartz that is unrelated to Rose Quartz due to the way it interacts with the sun and is composed in terms of components.


Sodalite is a mineral, normally royal blue in color but can also be gray, yellow, green or pink, it is often cut by veins of white feldspars, it is part of the feldspathoids and has a high sodium content, which gives it its name. ( Soda=Salt + Lita=Stone ), being one of the rarest minerals.

Sodalite is a stone of spiritual elevation, meditation and energetic protection . It also strengthens the mind, increases our intuition, facilitates meditation and wards off energetic attacks. The vibrations of the Sodalite stone help expand our spiritual awareness, calm emotions and balance our mental energy.


Obsidian is a black stone with a therapeutic function, which helps to deal with crises and can help human beings evolve through meditation and self-knowledge . Obsidian is a mineraloid, that is, as it does not have a crystalline formation, it does not fit into the crystal category and is more complex than a mineral.

It is a grounding stone that connects us to the center of the Earth and thus dissolves all negative energies. It works to heal the soul, calms the mind and encourages success. Obsidian stone is excellent for the different processes of spiritual evolution that we go through throughout our lives.


Blue Quartz promotes meditation, increases our spiritual perception, improves the emotional state and helps to harmonize the mind.

It promotes deep emotional healing, removes the fear of victory, promotes success in all areas of life, calms panic attacks, balances metabolism and reduces fears.

Its highly positive and spiritual energy blocks energetic attacks, drives away shadow forces and greatly improves the energies around it. It calms emotions, relaxes tension, has an anti-depressant effect and is capable of preventing cases of stress, anxiety and emotional discomfort.

Blue Quartz regulates hormones, improves metabolism, helps regulate the thyroid and reduces discomfort during the menstrual period. It increases our capacity for expression, activates creativity and helps awaken our deepest and greatest gifts and abilities.


Orange calcite is generally used in the Splenic or Sacral Chakra and is a great source of energy helping to maintain a bearable rhythm of life for those who have many tribulations. It is the stone of organization on the physical plane, its work is to transmit to the mind, through the second chakra, new concepts of health and well-being, reprogramming old patterns and reorganizing the chaotic side of our routine, whether at the work desk or studies. , in the bank account, in the closet, etc. Also very useful for people who value details, concerns, and small things, creating and somatizing anxiety, tension and difficulties in dealing with routine. Calcites the digestive system that is affected by the frenetic pace that we often assume, Orange Calcite then comes to bring new enthusiasm and disposition, improving the general conditions of life.


The delivery of this product will always be similar, as the stones have unique characteristics. You can buy and request photos to choose from the options we have available in stock. You will be guaranteed a product of exclusive quality and beauty.

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