MVSHOP is a family company based in Brazil, Rio Grande do Sul, in the city of Fontoura Xavier and operates in several industrial and commercial segments. Its main focus is the processing of precious and semi-precious stones for the production of furniture and decoration. The company, in addition to selling these products on the national market, exports true works of art in this segment to all continents. It also operates in the marketing of various industry niches, with partnerships that provide highly attractive prices to its customers.

Our company was founded on August 18, 1990 in the industrial and commercial segments. Today we have thousands of products, where we offer our customers a wide variety of useful items in our daily lives, but always with the concern of having products that have a minimum environmental impact, great design, quality and a fair price. See our socio-environmental compensation projects with INSTITUTO MUNDO VERDE .ACCESS HERE...



1 - Promote sustainable consumption with profitability and social and environmental balance;

2 - To be the main source of beauty and authenticity in the precious stones industry, revealing the Earth's wealth to the world, with respect for nature and local cultures.


1 - Innovatively market goods and services, generating customer and employee satisfaction, value for the company and contributing to socio-environmental actions;

2 - Discover, cut and share the rarest and most stunning gems from our region, which are unique in the world, while promoting sustainable practices, respecting local communities and ecosystems."


Long-lasting relationships, valuing people, team spirit, ethical relationships, trust and credibility, operational effectiveness, profitability and always focusing on how we can do better for our customers.

  • Integrity : Unwavering commitment to authenticity and transparency in all transactions.
  • Sustainability : Responsible care for the environment and the conservation of gemstones.
  • Respect : Recognition and appreciation of local cultures and communities involved in extraction and production.
  • Excellence : Dedication to quality and mastery in cutting and creating unique pieces.
  • Innovation : Constant search for more efficient and responsible ways to operate.



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